February is PURGE and CLEAN month in my life...and I am so ready to organize my craft spaces. Yes, SPACES....yikes! I picked up these super cute clear jars with silver lids and knew that I would dip these babies in Etchall Dip n' Etch to make them frosted. I adore this look. Think about all the things you can etch with this.
To get started, just clean your jars with soap and water and dry well.
Following the instructions on the Etchall container to fill up another container with the Etchall. Dip one jar at a time for 15 minutes, wash off and dry. Then the second one.
Now its time to paint the metal lid, Colorique is made for use with metal and gave it a wonderful full coat of vibrant color.
Add the lids to the etch dipped jars, using a sharpie write what the container is for and you have two beautiful button jars:
I then used Colorique, paint for metal to paint the silver lids black to go with my decor.
In just over a half hour I had two beautiful matching containers.
Happy Etching,