A little history and fun... I have been in the crafting industry since 2009. Most know that this journey started with my first show in Craft & Hobby Association show in 2009 in Anaheim, California where I took my very first paper dress form by the Graphic45 booth and they asked to leave it there. Well, the rest is history!
My story and all the dress forms that I have made every single year for them will be posted on their blog in a little over a week, I will give the date and official announcement shortly. In preparation the research of finding all the photos, which shows, which locations have taken days and days to put together. I have dug deep into the computer archives. Along the way, I have found some fun projects from back when I started both with Graphic45 and other great companies. I thought I would post them here first to show you where I began and to hopefully inspire you to keep creating no matter what!
These projects are all from the 2009-2010 era, so they go way back. It was fun to see what I did so many years ago. I am still crafting my style, and I am proud of all that I have accomplished in this time, but the best part is all the amazing people that I have in my life because of crafting. Thank you so much for following me and encouraging me. Some of you have been with me since the beginning, and for that I humbly thank you!
I hope this inspires you to never stop creating, we all start somewhere...just keep going!!